The Art of Balancing Mom Life and Logging Miles

New Mom, Mom of Multiples, Single Mom, Pet Mom, Stepmom... no matter what type of mom you are we know balancing mom life while trying to log miles can be seriously difficult. It’s hard to take time for yourself when you are busy worrying about anyone but yourself. As we prepare to celebrate and honor moms this Mother’s Day let’s take a look at tips to help keep you running (not just after kids and from school to soccer practice!) 

Tips for Mom’s that are always on the run and still want to go run:

Be Flexible  


As runners and walkers we often have a peak time to log our miles, maybe you are a morning go-getter or an afternoon logger. We all have our peak hours to go out and log those miles but the truth is, as moms our schedule is often revolving around more than just ourselves. So be flexible and willing to sneak in a few miles when the timing is right! Maybe the kids have soccer practice, SCORE! While the kids practice, take some time to log a few miles around the field or nearby neighborhoods. Maybe you can find a small window between work and pick-up? Or maybe you can sneak out before the kids get up in the morning? We suggest looking at your schedule and finding those times that are open windows and making time to log those miles. It may only be a few minutes but hey that’s a few more minutes then you thought you had! 

Invest In a Good Set Of Wheels 


Got littles ones? Or maybe a baby on the way? We suggest investing in some wheels, a stroller that is! Walker or runner, no matter how you plan to log your miles, having a good stroller can make all the difference for you and more importantly for your little one! While you log your miles they can enjoy a few ZZZzzzs or watch the world around them with you! Our favorite joggers are Bobs and Thule. Both are a great choice and many of the leading ladies in the running world use both brands! Don’t forget when purchasing a stroller to consider things such as storage space, snack console, and strollers that grow with your kids. This way they can join you for miles and miles! 

Better Together 


You may be thinking are you crazy?!? Mama needs a break from the kids, and that may be true and it might be even a good idea to get out alone (see below.) But sometimes having a little company on a run or walk makes it that much more enjoyable! Bringing your child along for the run or walk can be a fun experience for both of you and a great way to bond (and expose your children to a healthy lifestyle too!) So grab the stroller, lace up, and get ready for some Mommy and me time. Just a few suggestions:

  •  Pack snacks
  •  Dress them in layers when it's cold out
  •  Let them help pick the route
  •  Start with a shorter run or walk and then build on distances or time 
  • Pick the best time for both of you! Naptime? Snacktime? 
  • Make it exciting! As you log miles, be sure to spotlight some of the exciting surroundings - Buses, Trucks, Fountains, Birds, Oh My! 
  • Play Games - I spy! 
  • Take a pit stop, coffee break anyone? Or maybe playground trip!  

Me Time 


Okay, okay, you need a little me time, no problem and truthfully totally understandable too! You work hard day in and day out and sometimes you just need to take 5 for yourself. Our top tip, MAKE TIME FOR YOU! A healthy mom is the best mom. Making time for you to do the things you love like running and walking will make you a better mom in the long run. Don’t feel bad for sneaking out for a run or walk, it’s hard sometimes but making time for you is one of the most important things you can do!

At Potomac River Running, we celebrate moms all year long! Stop by anytime to get fit for a pair of shoes or find the perfect outfit for your next run, walk, or workout. Looking for a fun activity for the entire family on Mother's Day? Check out our Mother's Day 4 Miler & 1 Mile race